Symptom Relief with Clinical Hypnosis
A recent story online has highlighted the use of clinical hypnosis to provide symptom relief and enhanced quality of life for an MS patient. Note that we are talking about the management of symptoms rather than cure. However, this field of mind-body medicine deserves more attention as it is a medical frontier which has yet […]
100% Sober
I regularly see clients wishing to control or stop their alcohol consumption. The amazing thing is that it is possible to do that with hypnotherapy. Regardless of when or where we picked up our bad habits, we can learn to live in a new way, if we choose. Those who struggle with excessive alcohol consumption […]
Denial is not a river in Egypt!
Some of my clients come to me for assistance with addictions. It could be smoking (not just tobacco either), drinking, over-eating, gambling-you name it! Often part of the problem with addictions of all kinds is that at some level we are in denial about the problem. What I have found to be successful is to […]
Creating Opportunities
“To hell with circumstances, I create opportunities!” (Bruce Lee) In psychology a well known phenomenon is “learned helplessness.” Many years ago some research psychologists did a series of experiments using dogs as their subjects. They compared two groups of animals. One group were given a series of unpleasant experiences from which they could not escape, […]