Hypnotherapy for weight loss or eating disorders:
A common problem that people experience is an unhealthy relationship to food. While we all know that we eat to nourish our bodies in reality eating may perform a number of functions in our lives including providing comfort, so-called “comfort eating,” or “emotional eating.”
It has been said that food may be the most abused anxiety drug while exercise is the most under-utilised antidepressant.
At the other extreme, some people deprive themselves of food for various reasons, sometimes in an attempt to control what may seem hard to control in their lives.
The aim of hypnotherapy is to bring our lives back into balance. To empower us to make the positive changes we desire and to think about ourselves and our lives in more positive ways. Some times we may fall into negative patterns of thought or behaviour, we may even feel stuck. Hypnosis has the power to interrupt those negative patterns and to help us to see ourselves an our lives in healthier ways. Because at the end of the day, everything depends on how we look at it.